Saturday, April 17, 2010

Random Pictures

So, here are some random pictures that I decided to put up. Hope you all enjoy them!

I was feeling artsy (yes me) the other day so I decided to make this piece, it kind of sums up what I feel about this experiance.
This is the sunset at Shephards Field, you can see why Christ loved this land.

This is the "Suk". The suk is the marketplace in West Jerusalem, it's lound and crazy, that's what makes it fun. I really wish we had markets in the states.

This crouch has become one of my trademarks in pictures. This is on top of a mountain in Jordan!

This is on top of the Jordanian mountains, it was all rock and beautiful.

So, the other day a few of us went out and met some new folks. The kid with the curly hair is named Matt, he's from the Chek Republic. We kept running into him at differnt sites, so we invited him to tag along. We even brought him to the center afterward to see it, he was a really neat kid. The only girl in the picture is Shonni. Shonni is an LDS girl from DC. She was in Isreal to pick up a pacient, she's an international nurse. She actually met us at the center in the morning and we spent the day showing her around, she was super cool and way nice. This day was one of my very favorites in Jerusalem.

This is Haifa, it's a nice city right on the coast.

This is the famous Dead Sea mud, it smelt like sulfer but was really fun.

For those of you who didn't know, I'm a rock in the water, the second I stop moving I sink straight to the bottom, so this picture is a mirical happening (and no, it's not because of how fat I've gotten here).

I think I should sent this picture to Chaco and entitle it "Chacos in Petra."


Jeanne and Nelson said...


What a great experience. You're really good with the camera. We can't wait to have you home. love, Dad

marian said...

you could date shonni. . .

The Atomic Mom said...

Suks are called Pazaars in Bulgaria. I miss them too.