Friday, January 8, 2010

I'm alive

It's been a good day. We started with classes this morning, they're going to keep me very busy. Later this afternoon we were let loose in the city. Me and 7 others went to the Old City for an hour and a half (it's friday and you only have about 2 hours to be int he East Jeruselem and the Old City). The city is going to take some getting use to. I feel really uncomfortable not knowing the language, it makes me feel tiny and useless, but that feeling will pass. It's fun to watch the other members of the group get excited and talk to the shop keepers, I love people watching. I'm excited to really get into classes so that I can undrstand what I'm seeing and what everything means. I'm well and happy!


Susan Miller said...

I am so glad you are there!! You will love the old city and all its smells and sounds. Happy Exploring. Barngang

Megan said...

You better keep this thing updated. None of this weeks in between postings.

Glad you made it safely. :-)