Thursday, January 7, 2010


I'm exausted, but happy. Today has been good thus far (it's about 4pm here). This morning we had some meeteings, and a few this afternoon. But the good part about today was the walk through the city. We split up into small groups and the faculty took us all over east Jeruselem, the Old City, and West Jeruselem. The city is different then I imagined, but I really enjoyed it. I was at the back of my group acting as shepard, just making sure that no one got left behind. At the back with me were a couple of the J.C. security guards. I started to learn Arib form them, it was great, and quite hard. Well, all is well. Mi salame!


Jeanne and Nelson said...

It is so fun to read your blog. I think of you and what you are doing alot. You are 10 hour ahead of us, so Mom and I always ask each other: "I wonder what Fatso is doing right now?" Have a great time and "carpidium". love, Dad

The Atomic Mom said...

Shepherds lead from the front, sheep herders push from behind. That's why Christ is the Shepherd, and school teachers tame hooligans.

Look forward to hearing about Israel, so update often.

Movie kisses...JoycieB

Sarah Wills said...

pretty soon you'll the old city like the back of your hand! I am so excited for you.

P.S. just wait until strawberry cream desserts

Matt and Dianna said...

Get used to being exhausted. I hope Tarek still works there in the BYU-JC security. It is good to finally hear from you. Your little sister misses you.

Morgan said...

It's crazy to think that just last Thursday night we were sledding at the Chapins! It sounds like you're already having a wonderful experience!