Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Holy Land

I'm here, in the Jeruselem Center. The flight was really long, and every one of them was delayed. But, it's great to be here. We arrived late, but got right into dinner (very tasty!). After dinner we had a few small orientations and a tour of the Center. The Center is one of the most beautiful buildings I have ever seen, it's incredible. There really isn't anything to report, I'm happy to be here and to be here safe. Chau!


Jeanne and Nelson said...

Jesicca is jealous, she wants to walk thru the Center. Glad you got there safe. We put your schedule in the kitchen so we can keep track of what you are doing. We love you.

marian said...

I'm jealous TOO - whine whine.

grunt, grunt - that's from Isaac. Our goal is to have him talking by the time you get home.