Sunday, March 14, 2010

Pictures of the Holy Land

Hello ya'all. I told Mum that I'd put some more pictures up today, so here are a few more.

Today I went down the Kidron again. There are a few really neat tombs there that I enjoyed climbing through. This opening is about 20 feet up and gave us a good view of the east side of the city.
This was taken on top of the Armenian hostel on the Via Dolorosa. I think that this picture really shows the diversity of Jerusalem. It is important to remember that Jerusalem is a holy city for Muslims (as we see with the Dome of the Rock in the back), Christians (with the closer dome), and for the Jews, this is what really makes Jerusalem a near place.

I returned back to the small cemetery in the Kidron, it's a neat place, I really like it.

This is the Dome of the Rock and the ___ Gate (I don't remember the name right now, but it's the gate that Christ is suppose to go through at the second coming).

Here's a picture looking up at the tomb I mentioned earlier.

The Western Wall is one of my favorite places in Jerusalem. The wall is the most holy spot for Jews. It is custom to fold prayers or requests and put them in the cracks. The papers are taken out every so often and stored, in Jewish tradition it is not right to burn or destroy anything with the name of God on it, so they have places all over the country where they store these papers. The wall is sacred because it is the closest thing they Jews have to the temple. So these are a couple of pictures of the prayers, it's a special place.

This is taken from the plaza in front of the Western Wall, like the photo above I love this because it shows the Western Wall (on the bottom right) and two Muslim places of worship.

Two love birds studying the scriptures at the center yesterday.

This is a church right inside of Lions Gate. This is considered the beginning of the Via Dolorosa.

This is also close to Lions Gate, the rest of that arch can actually be seen inside of the church on the left.


Beth Wills said...

Thanks for letting us read your blog. Love your pictures and comments. Bro. and Sister Wills

marie said...

Fantastic pictures!! What a great time you must be having. Thanks for sharing!!!