Friday, February 5, 2010

Hola hola

It's raining in Jerusalem!!! I went out to the city this afternoon, it was fun, and really wet. The great thing about the rain is the Old City is way less crowded, I didn't have to fight any crowds! There isn't anything real new, I've just had a free afternoon. Actually...I guess that applying for jobs is new. Over the last two days I've found time to apply for 19 jobs, or something like that. I applied at Coldwater Creek, Back Country, The North Face, and Madason Memorial Hospital. I actually feel pretty good about the Back Country job, I actually fit all of the requirements. Anywho, I'd love to chat, but not now. Chau!

p.s. I'd love to know if you read my blog (in other words, COMMENT).


Jeanne and Nelson said...

Yes Fatso we read your blog with pleasure. It's fun to share our adventure in a small way. As you move forward, the lord will bless you. love, Dad

Matt and Dianna said...

Matt and I read your blog too! :) We love hearing what's going on! Especially Matt, he's super jealous that you're out there! He misses it! LOVE YA! :)


We read your blog and are eating up your experiences. It's so amazing that you can apply for a job from thousands of miles away. We're praying for you.

marian said...

we are here!

Matt and Dianna said...

Good to hear that things are going well. I remember those rainy days in J-Ru. It was nice to have less crowds walking around the Old City. Of course, you haven't seen anything yet...Just wait until Palm Sunday!!!! Anyway, keep us posted.