Sunday, February 21, 2010

Another Free Day

It was a good day. This morning I went to Hebrew University, it's across the street, to get some fast Internet. I needed to do some updates on my computer that I couldn't do here, so my computer is working again! The good part of the morning was going to David's Citadel. For a long time this was the believed spot of Davids Palace, they have since found a more probable location, but it was neat. There were some really good views of West Jerusalem from on top of the walls. We walked back to the center via the fallafal/shuarma shop at Damascus Gate, it was tasty! The rest of the day has been homework, it's going to be a busy week. I did apply for another job at BYU-I, this one is a more probable score, it's a full time grounds crew member, I think it would be fun. Anywho, wall is well. Have a wonderful Sabbath!

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