Sunday, January 10, 2010

My first free day

Wow, what a day! Today was our first free day in Jerusalem. We started out with changing our money over. We walked to Lions gate, which was really nice in the morning, it was cool outside and the gate wasn't busy at all. We headed to the West Wall and the Dome of the Rock, they were incredible. Dad, I didn't see what you told me to look for, I'll have to look again. We headed to the Church of the Holy Seplecer after that, but we took too long shopping (I was with a bunch of girls), so we didn't even go into the church. For the next few hours we did the rampart walk, it was incredible! With that walk you see most of the Old City from up above, it was incredible. Last of all we walked into west Jerusalem and got gilatto, I didn't, I found homeade alfahores next door, so I got one of those. So to sum it up, it was an incredible day. Thanks to all of you who made this possible. Mi Salame!

1 comment:

Matt and Dianna said...

Haha! Don't worry about the Church of the Holy Sepulchre...You'll have plenty of opportunities to go there. It's so good to see that you are enjoying it down there. Isn't church in the JC amazing?!?!?!?! I'm super jealous.