So, life is good. Today I didn't leave the Center once, I stayed in a studied. Classes are going well, very heavy work load. Folks told me that the work load was heavy, I think that they could have enphasised that a little more. I had my first Arabic class today, it was way fun. I have really enjoyed learning Arabic on the street, it's been really fun. Well, all is well. Mi salame!
Arabic is a great class. I sure hope Ayman is your teacher. He was HILARIOUS when I took Arabic from him. How do you like Adnan?? Does he still enter class saying "Kiev Halcum??"
I went to a lecture last night on Religion and Peacemaking in the Middle East by Rabbi David Rosen. It was wonderful! He talked about how it is ironic that much of the conflict arises over sacred places because the Jews cannot step onto temple mount because they do not have the purification rituals. Even if the did (it's found in Leviticus 2) they still couldn't step on temple mount because they do not know where the Holy of Holies is. Therefore, the Muslims don't need to worry about the destruction of Haram al-Sharif - the Jews can't get close enough to even dream of touching it. Rabbi Rosen used to teach in Ophir's place at the Jerusalem Center.
I remember the geography field trip. I promise that the field trips only get better! How many people are in your group? Are you used to Brother Brown's descriptive hand movements?
P.S. Most of the classes end near the end of march, so the work load gets a bit better towards the end :) I think it says exactly when they end on the schedule they give you.
And the Old City gets even more fun the more you get to know the shortcuts and the good places to eat (and cheaply shop)! And many stop shopping so much around Jerusalem once the novelty of it wears off. Of course, there are always a few girls that never do. haha I wouldn't go out with them all the time.
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